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The company is a high-tech enterprise integrating scientific research, design, manufacturing and on-site installation of pressure vessels, pressure pipes and accessories (attachments).

Successfully renewed the pressure vessel manufacturing license

Release time:


Recently, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China officially approved Shandong Canon Technology Co., Ltd. to renew the pressure vessel manufacturing license. This indicates that the company’s pressure vessel manufacturing license qualification has been maintained continuously, and the company’s business and production activities can be effectively carried out. At the beginning of the year, the company put forward the goal of ensuring the successful renewal of the pressure vessel manufacturing license in the quality work points.

The pressure vessel manufacturing license renewal work is a key quality work throughout the company. In the case of changes in the renewal conditions, short period for obtaining certificates, and new requirements for the operation of the quality assurance system, the organization of renewal is quite difficult. In order to ensure the smooth completion of the renewal work, the renewal plan and the quality assurance requirements for pressure vessel manufacturing activities have been formulated, and the pressure vessel quality assurance system documents have been revised. The completeness of technical documents, document editing procedures, file formats, and implementation of quality documents are organized and revised. Personnel qualification management, equipment and measuring instrument management, procurement control, material management, on-site management, etc. have been planned in detail, and the company’s pressure vessel manufacturing activities have been comprehensively inspected according to the requirements of pressure vessel manufacturing license appraisal and review. The content involves company pressure The conditions of vessel manufacturing resources, the establishment and implementation of the pressure vessel quality assurance system, and the random inspection of pressure vessel product manufacturing activities. With the vigorous cooperation and support of relevant units of the company, after half a year of hard work, the preparations for the renewal and inspection were completed. From August 19th to 21st, the renewal review team of China Gas Industry Association appointed by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine reviewed the company’s pressure vessel manufacturing license renewal work. After a three-day on-site review, the review team gave a double pass. Conclusion of the review of pressure vessel manufacturing license renewal.

The pressure vessel manufacturing license reissued by the company covers the scope of manufacturing activities for A2 type III fixed vessels, and the license is valid for 4 years.


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